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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Just a Quick One

Finally, I can access my blog!  

It has been several weeks since I have been able to access anything to do with Google...apart from Google Maps.  The problem has now been sorted out and I'm back...woo hoo!

A new blog will follow shortly...whenever that may be!!  ;-)


  1. Yo Sandi! Congratulations!! Google are busy with upgrades I understand...possibly why I have to hunt hi and low and under the kitchen sink and back to check under the sofa to find the blogger sign-in page! It takes an awfully long time...just as well I know where my towel is!! :)

  2. So many passwords, so many identities to remember and here is me not even knowing what day of the week it is most days!

  3. I seem to have got away unscathed...probably coz I decided to swap to the beta version of the new blogspot before all the changes came in.
    Its take a while to get used to the new format.

  4. Apparently, it was some kind of virus or such-like, but Robert managed to get rid of it and get us back up and running OK.

    Right, have plenty of things to blog about now, but haven't beenable to just sit down and write because of distractions!

  5. I'm looking forward to going to the festival this year. :) Will you just be doing the promenade or other things in the festival?
